May 9, 2022
Anguilla Red Cross Joins IFRC in Celebrating Word Red Cross Day 2022
Press Release
The Anguilla Red Cross celebrates World Red Crossand Red Crescent Day. The Anguilla Red Cross joins with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent movement to celebrate International Red Cross Day on the 8th May 2022 under the theme Kindness: #BeHumanKind. This day is observed annually throughout the world since 1948 and also celebrate the birth anniversary of the movement’s founder and winner of the first Nobel Peace Prize, Jean-Henri Dunant.

In these unprecedented times where we are all learning to cope with Covid 19, unparalleled wars and other major disasters worldwide, it is critical for us to remember to demonstrate the power of kindness in everything that we do. As we are reminded daily of our humanity it is critical that we all strive to #BeHumanKind. As an organisation therefore, we are especially proud to recognise the work of our volunteers, stakeholders and partners who continue to remain relevant and show acts of kindness in this ever-changing world.
This year in observance of this day the Anguilla Red Cross will be relaunching its Community Engagement Initiative by hosting a month of Community activities to help to spread the power of kindness.
On the 7th of May 2022 we will be hosting our Community Fair at the South Hill Ball Field. The Fair will offer free blood pressure testing, launch our Blood Donation Drive, Community Raffle and showcase the amazing styles available at our RC Boutique. The fair will commence at 9am and end at 3pm. All are invited to join us for this fun filled day. On the 10th of May 2022 at 4pm in collaboration with the Commonwealth Committee we will be hosting a Run for Red Queen’s Baton Relay and 5 k Run. The run will start and end at the People’s Market square. We are offering a special concession for school children. All other individuals are invited to register to participate. The cost of the registration is US$25.

On the 20th of May 2022 our volunteers will be visiting all schools (Primary and High School) to launch our Being Aware and Ready Campaign (BAR Hopping) to help students better prepare to respond to disasters.
Our final activity will be held on the 28th of May 2022 in collaboration with the Anguilla National Trust. We will be engaging with our volunteers in a Hike, Beach Clean-up, and Funday from the East End Pond to the Salt Pond.
We take this opportunity to express our gratitude and appreciation to all our volunteers who continue to answer the call for “Volunteerism” providing hope and dignity amid despair. We are elated to be united in the spirit of humanity to pay human kindness forward; answer the humanitarian call in support of our fundamental principles and solidify our commitment to ensuring that we remain committed and unified as we offer assistance to the most vulnerable within our society.
As part of International Red Cross and Red Crescent Day we salute every person who continues to make the idea of the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement in Anguilla and around the globe a reality. We are committed to ensuring that no vulnerable person is left behind. We applaud all our volunteers who selflessly serve humanity and we sound the alarm of solidarity and unity as we celebrate this day. Happy Red Cross and Red Crescent Day!
We invite you to join in this fight for humanity.
Come Volunteer with the Anguilla Red Cross. #BeHumanKind
“Everyone can, in one way or another, each in their sphere and according to their strength, contribute to some extent to this good work.”
Jean-Henri Dunant