May 8, 2021
Anguilla Red Cross celebrates World Red Cross and Red Crescent day
The Anguilla Red Cross (ARC) joins with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent movement to celebrate International Red Cross day on the 8th May 2021. In these unprecedented times, we are especially proud to recognize the work of our volunteers, stakeholders and partners who are on the frontline responding to the growing needs of communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in Anguilla and around the world.
We therefore take this opportunity to show our collective gratitude and appreciation to all our volunteers who continue to answer the call for “Volunteerism” to provide hope and dignity amid despair. Their continued dedication to the humanitarian call in support of our fundamental principles helps to solidify our commitment to ensuring that we remain committed and unified in the crisis.

On the 8th of May this year, though we are separated, we find ourselves closer than ever as we reimagine the call for Volunteerism (ARC Reimagined… 2021 and Beyond!). Since its establishment in 1943, with the help of its dedicated volunteer base, ARC has responded to every major disaster and has continued to demonstrate that we are united in our dedication to helping people in distress. The original intent of Henry Davison, one of the founding fathers of our organization founded in the aftermath of the 1918 flu pandemic, is still our intent of today: ‘‘We get together for the purpose of finding a way of contributing to the world the benefit of our experience with the purpose of coordinating the efforts of all of the National Societies of the world in the interest of mankind.’’
This year, thou we are witnessing an unprecedented time that is forcing all of us to adapt to new ways of volunteering and working together with our communities, we remain committed to continue to make a difference in people’s lives to comfort and show solidarity from afar, continuing to create social connections and develop a sense of belonging.
So as part of International Red Cross and Red Crescent Day, we celebrate every single person who continues to make the idea of the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement in Anguilla and around the globe a reality. We are committed to ensuring that no vulnerable person is left behind. We applaud all of our volunteers and we sound the alarm of solidarity and unity as we celebrate this day. Happy Red Cross and Red Crescent Day!
We invite you to join in this fight for humanity. Come Volunteer with the Anguilla Red Cross.
“Everyone can, in one way or another, each in their sphere and according to their strength, contribute to some extent to this good work.”
Henry Dunant